Firodia Hostel Logo
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Vision & Mission


DNYANA MARG, which is the foundation of the Jain Faith, is based on acquisition of balanced knowledge. This coupled with personal character, and social awareness - are the founding pillars, for developing an enlightened attitude in a person. The Firodia Hostel's vision - is to strive for balanced knowledge, proper character, and for empathy for society - to be embedded in youth.



DNYANA MARG, which is the foundation of the Jain Faith, is based on acquisition of balanced knowledge. This coupled with personal character, and social awareness - are the founding pillars, for developing an enlightened attitude in a person. The Firodia Hostel's vision - is to strive for balanced knowledge, proper character, and for empathy for society - to be embedded in youth.


Shri. Abhay Firodia, Chairman
Shri. Pradeep Munot
Shri. Abhay Munot
Mrs. Shribala Chordia
Shri. Amit Pokarna
Shri. Arihant Mehta
Shri. Sachin Bhansali